Die jungen Leute aus dem Peer Health Education Projekt von Interkultura und Mlisada beschäftigt auch das Corona-Virus. Gemeinsam mit den Gesundheitsarbeiter*innen und Sozialarbeiter*innen im Mlisada-Zentrum haben sie ihr Aufklärungsprogramm angepasst. So machen sie die lokale Bevölkerung auf das Virus, seine Übertragungswege und Schutzmaßnahmen aufmerksam.
Mit Ihrer und Eurer Unterstützung und Spenden wird auch dieses Projekt ermöglicht, ein herzlicher Dank dafür!
Nun erreicht uns ein Solidaritätsbrief aus Kampala, den wir im Folgenden gerne teilen möchten.
Kampala, 16th March 2020
Dear families, supporters, donors and well wishers of M-LISADA and Interkultura around the world!
We join the rest of the world in acknowledging that corona virus exists and the virus kills. Our deep thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones to this pandemic disease.
Shaking hands and saying hello to people in Uganda is customary and it is a tradition of friendship. This is a little difficult for the people to come to terms with it but as an Organization we are making efforts to reach out to the people we can with information to ensure that people observe health strategies such us alternative greeting models like elbow bump, leg bump, waving hello with a smile and also an Indian model of greeting „Namaste“
Our nurse and the social workers at M-LISADA have trained a team of peer educators to help children at the centre, coming from Katwe community and the children from school to observe this health tips for the prevention of Coronavirus. We also assure you of safety of our children at the centre and in our school. We have hand washing points all over our premises with soap and it is available for all our visitors.
We appreciate all your support to us.